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aSCII aRT / AA Collection

aSCII art Collection - Iqembu ngo isigaba

ASCII art graphic design inqubo osebenzisa computer ukuze zethulwe futhi siqukethe izithombe pieced ndawonye kusuka abalingiswa 95 okuqinisekisa kuchazwe ASCII Standard kusukela 1963 futhi ASCII uhlamvu kuhabisane lisethi abalingiswa nokuphathelene enwetshiwe.

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  麻呂ちゃんを救う会 ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃                    ┃ 麻呂ちゃんは ┃...|;:;:_:;:_:;_:;_:;:l:;_;:_:::_:;:_::_:;| ┃ 生まれつき画像収集の病気にかかり ┃|_____|_____l ..┃ 一カ月以内に心臓移植が必要です。 ┃|=|  三シノ ヾ三. ::::::.|=! ┃ ┃|=| (●), 、(●)、::|=| ┃ しかし移植にはZipという ┃ヾ|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,  シノ...┃ 特殊な拡張子が必要となります。 ┃ |   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|  .┃ ┃ \  `ニニ´  .:::/   ┃ 麻呂ちゃんを救うために ┃ /`ー‐--‐‐―´´\  ┃ どうか協力をよろしくお願いします。 ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛
CSS RGB Web Color Chart
HTML Color Amashadi / HTML Colors Sheet
Color Picker Uhlobo Ukucinga
Beautiful CSS Ithebula Izibonisi
Beautiful CSS Ithebula Izibonelo web-desingers.
Unicode Converter
Unicode Online Converter
Ungashintsha Zonke Kind of abalingiswa ukuze (UTF-8 code) 'Unicode'.
-Unicode Table
Uhlu ze-Unicode
'UTF-8 netafula ukuyiqonda nokuyikhumbula' futhi 'nezinhlamvu Unicode'
Character ikhodi ithebula for ASCII, Unicode futhi HTML
aSCII aRT / AA Collection
aSCII art Collection - Iqembu ngo isigaba
ASCII art graphic design inqubo osebenzisa computer ukuze zethulwe futhi siqukethe izithombe pieced ndawonye kusuka abalingiswa 95 okuqinisekisa kuchazwe ASCII Standard kusukela 1963 futhi ASCII uhlamvu kuhabisane lisethi abalingiswa nokuphathelene enwetshiwe.
Emoji, Mzwelo isichazamazwi
Unicode Emoji / Eemoticon isichazamazwi. Vele ukopishe bese unamathisela Emoji / Eemoticon ofuna ukuyisebenzisa zibe blog yakho, eliyisiqalo futhi SNS ezifana Facebook, Twitter, Instagram nokunye.
URL Encoder / Decoder
Ungakwazi ukuqopha URL okubhalwe strings libukeka '% E4% BD% A0% E5% A5% BD' usebenzisa URL Decoder
Ungakwazi encode strings efundekayo-URL strings endcoded usebenzisa URL Encoder .
Base64 Encoder / Decoder
Ungakwazi ukuqopha Base64 okubhalwe strings libukeka 'SGVsbG8h' usebenzisa Base64 Decoder
Ungakwazi encode strings esifundekayo ukuze Base64 endcoded strings usebenzisa Base64 Encoder.
Random Password Generator
Ungakwazi ukukhiqiza amaphasiwedi okungahleliwe usebenzisa okungahleliwe iphasiwedi generator.
I generator kuyokusiza ukuba wenze, amaphasiwedi wakho siqu evikelekile okungahleliwe kakhulu esethole usebenzisa inhlanganisela letincane nabofeleba, izinombolo kanye nezimpawu.
Binary / Octal / Idesimali / hexadecimal Converter
Ungakwazi ukuguqula izinombolo (Binary, Octal, wezinombolo kanye hexadecimal) besebenzisa Number Converter.
QR Code Generator
Ungenza siqu QR Amakhodi yakho usebenzisa i-QR Code Generator.
'QR Code' lisho 'Sheshani Response Code'
Ikhodi QR ibhakhodi ezimbili ntathu eligcina imininingwane in amachashazi black and white.
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